Thursday, August 27, 2009

here's a better view~


Here's a family photo of some of my wax objects which have been lovingly cared for and dressed by my friends and family. I think they're fantastic, and I'm having so much fun sending them out and then going back weeks later to collect them!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

tis done!Thanks to Victoria's fantastic hints and a punch card thingy that I couldn't do without, I finished my first x-stitch! I have a new-found admiration for x-stitchers contemporary and ancient - it's quite a mind-boggling feat getting all those x's in the right spot, and this is only tiny!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Woolly bits

Hmm I was planning to turn these
into lots of tiny balls of yarn to send out more wax packages to people, but I ended up putting more bits on this thingy. Goodness knows what it is, but it is a welcome relief from the intensity of x-stitching!Looks like it's time to bring the washing in too!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Waxing and waning

I have been doing a visual arts research project for the past year, looking at story; community; memory and imagination. It compares participants’ responses, looking for similarities, differences and/or patterns. I'm interested in how objects, and our bodies are repositories for cultural and personal memory, and in how these "stories" are passed on inter-generationally in a non-verbal way. Anyway, it all started when I discovered some relatives from way back who were 18thC & 19thC female Cornish tin miners-Bal maidens, then went via a history of poppets, studies of holding environment and play theory , memes, women's work (and many other divergences) and I'm now sending out lots of these cast wax objects,

which I hand-make..........

at home,

to female friends, relatives and acquaintances.

I have about 25 of them out there at the moment, and many more to make. I have been absolutely blown away by the response I am getting from the participants in the project. It's been fantastic, and such a lot of fun to "deliver" the objects to people and await their return. People are so generous with their time it has really touched me. I was over the moon to find out that one of the participants was even blogging about her experiences and it has inspired me to do this blog. I would love to post a photo of all the returned objects, -they look great- but I shall have to contain myself and wait till they are all back.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Fridays I facilitate an art workshop at Pioneer Clubhouse in Balgowlah, which is not far from where I live. We hang out, make art and sometimes play some music too. Today I took my artist friend Rebecca along to check it out. She has a show on in Sydney at the moment. It was really lovely to have another artist along, I hope we can do it again.

We ended up doing sketches of a couple of nice green pears, and also of some of these guys:

who normally live on my desk in my studio. We also decided to work towards an exhibition at the new Insideout Gallery at North Ryde. Oh and I did some more X-stitch. My eyes are sore!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cross Stitch

I have been cross-stitching today.

I found a place where you can convert photos to cross-stitch patterns. So I've started with a wee picture I used on FB for a while. I haven't cross-stitched since I was eight years old. I didn't need glasses then! The stitches are soooo tiny!

Luckily someone has lent me a whopping great magnifying lamp.